Health benefits of 4

2:57 PM
Health benefits of 4 - delicious oils

Lauren Mandel

Some people think in order to lose weight, stay fit, and generally live a healthy life, ingesting oils should be avoided at all costs. . However, more recently, various oils have been praised for their health benefits, both in the kitchen and when used as natural cosmetics

We have described four common - and some not so common - Oils and explained how you could benefit from using a little of each in your daily life. oils


As one of the most commonly available oils, it is good to know olive oil also has some pretty stellar benefits for health. Its monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are known to reduce the risk of heart disease and help normalize blood clotting

recipe using olive oil :. Spaghetti with garlic, olive oil, and red pepper flakes

as a healer of the skin, olive oil can now be found in many natural products and moisturizers nail.


If you are not in the loop coconut oil craze, now is the time to start paying attention. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which means it is antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and. It can also help to boost immunity and aid in weight loss

recipe using coconut oil :. Toasted coconut waffles

Apart from cooking, coconut oil can also be used on full-body moisturizer anything fried by split ends PATCHY dry skin.


If it comes lawyers, you know it's going to be loaded with healthy monounsaturated fatty acids the heart. Avocado oil contains lutein, which helps improve eye health, and it also includes a compound called sterolins, which can reduce the appearance of age spots on the skin

Recipe using avocado oil :. Pan roasted sea bass with citrus and avocado oil

avocado oil also works well for some home remedies, including wound healing and as a skin treatment for conditions like eczema.


What can be bad about a byproduct of winemaking? the grape seed oil is an excellent source of oleic acid, which has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of stroke. It also marries well, so it is perfect for fat salad dressings, and has a high burning point, it can safely be used to cook at high temperatures.

recipe using grape seed oil :. Grapeseed oil vinaigrette salad

In addition to being a delicious recipe addition, the grape seed oil can also be used to make homemade sunscreen and treat sunburn

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