A consumers Friday Poll: Americans like their health insurance coverage, but think costs are too high

8:27 PM
A consumers Friday Poll: Americans like their health insurance coverage, but think costs are too high -

pie chart In a recent CNN / opinion Research Corporation survey results based Americans are satisfied with their coverage of current health insurance.

Americans are please with the quality of health care they receive and on the whole satisfied with their coverage, reported CNN .

The survey found people 8-10 enormous satisfaction with the quality of health care and health insurance in this country.

But when asked about the costs of these services, satisfaction decreases significantly.

Over 75 percent of Americans are "dissatisfied" with the cost of health care in general in the United States and only 52 percent are satisfied with Medicare rates.

"[The poll results] suggests a prescription for the reform of health care that Americans can swallow - start by addressing the cost of health care, while allowing Americans to keep their current coverage and their suppliers current health care, "said CNN polling director Keating Holland

Really, this survey ISN 't too shocking. - back in the 08 election, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton advocated the idea of ​​letting the Americans keep the coverage they have if they like

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