Survey shows that Republicans and Democrats Split on for health care in the United States

4:47 PM
Survey shows that Republicans and Democrats Split on for health care in the United States -

With the 08 presidential election a little more than eight months on, and the Democratic candidate still not determined, expect politics to take a front seat in the press for some time.

And when it comes to politics, health care is a matter of division for presidential candidates.

Arizona Senator John McCain, the likely Republican presidential candidate, pledged to fight against rising health care costs as president. Senator McCain has proposed a number of ways to reduce the costs of our health care system - and we hope to make care more affordable

The Democratic candidates have taken a different approach .. The two candidates Senator New York Hillary Clinton and Illinois Senator Barack Obama rely on the government to take a greater role in providing affordable health care

Each is up to mandate health insurance coverage individual -. Obama requires that every child is ensured, while Clinton would require all Americans to get coverage.

We know that the candidates have different views of health care, but what about the voters?

A new poll found voters that identify the different politic parties have very different views on the quality of the US health care system, reported Reuters .

The survey, conducted by the School of Public Health and Harris Interactive Harvard University, found 68 percent of Republican voters thought the United States health system was the best in the world. Only 32 percent of Democrats and 40 percent of independent voters said the same thing.

"We did not think the split would be as great as it was between Republicans and Democrats," Robert Blendon, a Harvard professor who helped design the survey questions.

But voters are not the only ones who disagree on the quality of the health care system.

WSJ Health Blog noted the World Health Organization ranked the health of the US system in a disappointing 37th place in the world. But the Cato Institute has challenged these results.

There is much disagreement as regards health care, which we elect our next president (and the new members of Congress) will determine how we will make changes.

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