Why exchanges need young people

10:17 PM
Why exchanges need young people

birthday_cake While older people tend to have a greater need for health insurance, it is in fact the young and healthy Americans that the success of the affordable care Act depends.

also known as the "young invincible" by policy makers, these 18-35 should be 20 percent to 30 percent of the pool to make the exchanges work, according to Politico. While the individual mandate includes a fee for those who do not obey the law, there is no guarantee that the administration will be able to get enough young and healthy to register.

The new market rules in Obamacare take effect in January 2014, prohibiting plans from charging individuals with pre-existing conditions more than health and age and gender discrimination. Because of these changes, the calculation of the Affordable Care Act works best if millions of healthy consumers start paying into the system to compensate bills racked by sick people can not be repressed.

The challenge

right now, we do not know how many young Invincibles will actually sign up for insurance through the exchanges. What are the challenges in the way? We have all heard of technical challenges on the federal exchange site. With the highest premiums rumors on the way, some fear that prices will discourage young people from registering. However, officials from the White House insist the main problem is the site and not the price, hoping that once all the technical problems are fixed, the young and healthy will sign en masse.

The right combination of young and healthy, for old or sick relative must register at the end of March in order to keep rates from rising next year. Each of these factors prove critical to the ultimate success of the law in the long term.

Educating the public (young and old) on the right to health can help ensure that everyone regardless of age, gender or sex gets high quality and affordable health insurance through the steps. For more information contact GoHealth at (888) 322-7557 to speak with a licensed counselor.

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