How to meditate at work without getting caught

4:10 PM
How to meditate at work without getting caught -

meetings, conference calls, reports, audits and training - the list work never seems to do for get shorter. As the stress and frustration of the day degenerates, it is likely that you are less focused and productive at work (ie logging onto Facebook, find a recipe for dinner tonight, or reading each bit new there.) How many times have we been told to focus only to direct his path again? Control of our wandering mind and shift the focus to the task at hand can often seem impossible.

What if there was a technique to work with the spirit which in turn helped to reduce stress, improve focus and boosted productivity? Meditation is a natural way of learning the mind and using what we learn to improve the way our mind works. Not only that, but it can be done anytime, anywhere, for any period of time - which makes it perfect for that time, the day when you can not seem to get the work done. Check this list of meditation techniques that are both easy and fun, even in the office!


Find Your Happy Mantra

Take a positive word (peace is good). Plant your feet flat on the floor and take deep breaths and calm while repeating the word in your mind. Do this for one minute, then repeat. Your mind can wander and this is normal, just go back to your word.

Walking Meditation

Take a walk outside for a few minutes. Focus on your body and the sensations as you walk - the ground under your feet, the sun on your skin, the air around you and how your body works seamlessly with little thought of you. Do this on your way to lunch as a way to detach yourself from tasks at hand or on the way to a meeting to release any stress.

Smile Meditation

similar to Mantra happy evoke happy memories of the past or think of an image as a waterfall or in the open. Make your picture as descriptive as possible - add colors, the smells, the sounds. Think about how you feel right now and let this feeling wash your thoughts of work and stress. Do not worry about how long you should do this, simply relax and smile.

Breathing Meditation

Take a deep breath and focus on the air moving through your body. Count to five, then exhale slowly. Repeat this as many times as you can. To do this, before a presentation or release stress after a meeting that may not have been too much.

Body-Minded Meditation

Plant your feet flat on the floor. Focus on the top of your head and work your way down shift attention to your eyes, nose, shoulders, chest, hips, knees, calves and feet. Check to see if the place feels tense feelings and spread expansion in this region. Once your reach your toes, work your way back to the forefront of your mind.

The trick to meditation is to find what works for you and build on it over time. Meditation may sound effects beyond the work environment leading to healthy relationships with others and yourself. Try the above techniques to begin and we know what works for you!

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