At the end of the year, 6 million Americans will lose their health insurance

9:28 PM
At the end of the year, 6 million Americans will lose their health insurance -

stethoscope federal analysts predict that d by the end of 2010, our current economic difficulties will claim the health insurance coverage of some 6 million Americans.

In addition, as more people eligible for Medicaid, the health care program for the poor, spending will increase considerably.

a report from the US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that Medicaid spending will increase from $ 386 billion to $ 352 billion - a total increase of 9.6 - by the end of this year alone reported an article McClatchy Newspapers and Kansas City Star.

"the recession has implications for the far-reaching health care sector. Policymakers and the public will be faced with difficult decisions about the future of the health care system," said an analyst who co-authored the report HHS.

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