Tips for skin protection Spring Break

9:03 PM
Tips for skin protection Spring Break -

Good news: Warm weather is finally in sight for most of the country! This also means spring break is fast approaching for students and families everywhere. While you book hotels and packing your swimsuit for this warm weather getaway, it is important to remember to protect your skin. sun beach

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can be dangerous. Even occasional exposure can lead to brown spots, wrinkles and even skin cancer. Take precautions to keep your skin safe while you enjoy the sun this season.

  1. Use plenty of sunscreen

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using a sunscreen with an SPF of at 30 for a prolonged and direct exposure to sunlight. Make sure to apply enough for all of your exposed skin, and cover the often neglected areas such as lips, tops of the ears and feet.

  1. Timing is everything

the sun's rays are most intense 10:00 to 4:00 p.m., to stay inside during this time will greatly decrease your chances of severe exposure. If you must be outside during the daylight hours of peak sun, be sure to use sunscreen and seek shade as cabanas and umbrellas by the pool.

  1. Cover your

Even in the sweltering heat, it is best to keep as much of your skin covered as possible. Wearing a hat will limit your face and neck exposure to harmful sun. In addition, closely woven fabrics absorb ultraviolet rays more effectively than cottons, so pack fashionable clothes that also protect your skin.

  1. Prepare even when it is cloudy

The ultraviolet rays can damage your skin, even through cloud cover. Always be prepared for the harmful rays by dressing appropriately and having sunscreen in hand.

If you get too much sun, do not delay the deal! Hydrating sunburned areas immediately apply aloe to reduce pain and redness. You should also drink plenty of water to replenish the liquid sunburn pulls away from the rest of your body.

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