external security on Independence Day

7:50 PM
external security on Independence Day -

by Jenny Fliegel

Independence Day is just around the corner, and we looking forward to the upcoming shows, picnics, barbecues, and especially elaborate fireworks displays. Whether your celebration will take place at the beach, a park, or even in your own backyard, have you considered including outdoor security in your plans? Between your cold drinks and grilled hot dogs, keep these tips in mind to ensure your Fourth of July is both safe and enjoyable.

Handle fireworks with care GoHealth july 4th

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission in the US, an average of 230 people go to the room emergency every day because of fireworks injuries in the weeks surrounding July 4th. The majority of these injuries are burns on the hands, fingers, head, face, ears and eyes.

The best way to protect your family is to let the lighting of fireworks to professionals. While sparklers may seem a safer option, it is important to consider that they burn at temperatures of about 2,000 degrees-hot enough to melt some metals. If you plan to use fireworks, see the State Legal directory to make sure they are legal in your area. Keep in mind that even if the fireworks are legal, they can easily cause injury if handled correctly.

If you want to use them on your own, only buy fireworks from a licensed dealer and read all instructions before lighting. fireworks activities must be supervised at all times, especially if children are around. Wear safety glasses when lighting, and be sure to point fireworks away from homes, buildings, vehicles, grass areas or dry leaves and other flammable substances. Light a firework at a time, then quickly move several feet away from the area.

If your device does not fire you should never stand above to see what went wrong. Keep a bucket of water, fire extinguisher or garden hose nearby to dispose of spent fireworks. If you or a loved one is injured by fireworks, immediately call 911.

responsible Grill

Who does not love a hot dog or a charred grilled hamburger on July Fourth? While security cooking may seem obvious, it is important to pay attention to these tips when your barbecue.

If you are grilling, make sure your barbecue is in the open and away from your home or any enclosed area. You should never leave your grill unattended when in use, and be sure to keep children and pets away from the area. And always keep your grill clean by removing grease or fat accumulation.

It is also important to monitor the temperature of your food to avoid food-borne illnesses. Use a meat thermometer to ensure that all meat and poultry are fully cooked before serving to customers. FDA of the United States never suggested leaving food for over an hour when the temperature is above 0 degrees Fahrenheit and not more than two hours at other temperatures. Also cover food and drinks when outdoors to keep bees and other insect pests.

Swim safely

We all like to play in the pool or on the beach, but be aware of local weather conditions and forecasts for the weekend. Even if a lifeguard is present, children must be supervised by a responsible adult around water at all times. Always use of lifejackets and personal flotation devices secure at hand, and pay attention to the lifeguards and posted instructions around swimming areas.

Beware of the sun and heat

The sun may feel good, but it can be harmful if you do not prepare properly. Apply a sunscreen with broad spectrum SPF 15 or more than 30 minutes before going outside, and reapply often.

Drink water regularly throughout the day, even when you are not thirsty to stay hydrated. In warm weather, take frequent shade breaks to cool off and avoid the possibility of exhaustion by heat or heat stroke.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, clammy skin, pale or red skin, and rapid, shallow breathing. If you notice someone with these symptoms, move them to a cooler place, remove or loosen tight clothing, and give them water to drink slowly.

The symptoms of heat stroke include red, hot skin, hallucinations, chills, throbbing headache, rapid pulse, high body temperature, slurred speech and confusion. If you suspect someone is suffering from heat stroke, call 911 and cool the person with the means available, such as a hose, sponge with cool water, ice packs, or cool, wet towels.

Drive carefully

Drive to your Christmas party? Do it with caution. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has classified the Fourth of July as the deadliest day of the year regarding car accidents. An average of 161 people die in car accidents to date, which is 12 more deaths than average on any other day of the year.

Allow enough time to get to your destination to avoid feeling the need Accelerate. There will probably be more traffic on the road than usual. Stay alert and use rest areas to take breaks when you feel tired. Program your GPS before you leave for your destination, and put the distractions - such as cell phones -. Away

Think always complete, and place children in appropriate safety seats. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), seat belts reduce injuries and deaths related to the serious accident of about 50 percent. If you go to a place where you know there will be alcohol, choose a designated driver before arrival.

Drinking alcohol slows reaction time and impairs judgment needed to operate a vehicle safely. Driving under the influence is the leading cause of death from motor vehicles. Make sure you drive carefully; even if you are not driving under the influence, there is always a possibility that other drivers could be.

It is never too early or too late to consider buying health insurance to prepare for these inevitable accidents. Our main concern is the safety and well-being of our customers. Individuals can compare plans and learn about the process at GoHealthInsurance.com or call 888-322-7557 to speak with a licensed GoHealth agent.

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