Pennsylvania residents without health insurance Tops 1 Million

10:29 PM
Pennsylvania residents without health insurance Tops 1 Million -

Pennsylvania quarter Our weak economy just witnessed another stage of health insurance more than a million people in Pennsylvania are now insured, reported the Philadelphia Inquirer.

in May, the state took a survey to determine the uninsured rate and the results found a staggering 8.2 percent of the total population had no health insurance. This is 1.02 million people in total with 880,000 uninsured adults and 140,000 children.

What is even more disturbing, the state officials estimate that the real number is much higher.

"We have a real health care crisis for the adult population, and is probably worsened since the investigation," said Joel Ario, the state insurance commissioner.

the only proposed solution to the problem was a bill failed by Governor Ed Rendell, who significantly expanding public programs Medicare Pennsylvania to allow more residents to get grants government.

Although the bad economy was a factor, most uninsured are actually employed, wrote the article Inquirer.

But overall, everyone took a hit

"Overall, the study showed that the increase in uninsured numbers were seen in almost all the categories. including adults, children, ethnic groups and most geographic areas, "said Ario.

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