Senator McCain and the Health Insurance Deregulation

4:35 PM
Senator McCain and the Health Insurance Deregulation -

John McCain Recently, Republican presidential candidate John McCain becomes a little heat for an article he wrote in an obscure magazine called Contingencies magazine, reported Washington post .

in the article, Senator McCain wrote that he would deregulate the individual health insurance market to bring more competition.

in the health insurance reform plan of Senator McCain, he wants to let people buy across state lines the health plans so they are not required by the regulatory state.

The problem is not necessarily the idea itself, but this time.

Many of the problems we have on Wall Street have been at least partially attributed to the deregulation of the financial market.

This is what McCain wrote in the article:

"opening the market to more vigorous competition health insurance nationwide, as we have done during the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of established regulatory statement. "

on the surface, yes it seems that McCain's plan does not seem be a good idea after the collapse of Wall Street. But is it fair to compare the Wall Street regulation with the regulation of health insurance?

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