From the mouth of a former Executive Insurance: The real secrets to save money on insurance sickness

11:30 AM
From the mouth of a former Executive Insurance: The real secrets to save money on insurance sickness -

piggy bank After talking with a former framework for a major health insurance company (who will remain anonymous), I learned there are real ways that you can pay less for your cover. I also discovered that some benefits of health insurance is too expensive, while others offer great value based on certain requirements.

You'll have to do some of the legwork yourself. But believe me, it's worth it - you stand to save hundreds of dollars a year, if not more

And remember, health insurance is almost 100 percent depending on your individual needs .. What works for some may not work for others

Ok, here's how to find the most value at the lowest price level :.

1. Increase your deductible
The deductible is the amount you have to pay each year before the plan begins covering care. But if you do not plan to serious injuries or illnesses in the near future, increasing the deductible your plan can save hundreds of dollars in bonuses.

Former exec let me in on the secret that health insurance companies have a rating system that allows some people to reduce their premiums by almost the entire amount of the increase in franchise

for example, raise a $ 500 deductible -. say $ 500 to $ 1000 - reduced policy premiums of more than $ 500. You would pay a total of $ 1,000 in medical bills a year -. But that is if you need medical care

So unless you incur $ 1,000 in medical expenses each year, saving you money by increasing your deductible from $ 500 to $ 1,000.

2. Add a doctor visit copayment with limited visits
A share is a fixed amount you pay for medical service. In the case of visits to the doctor, you can go to the doctor for tests for a low copayment - usually ranging from $ 15 to $ 40

Without this benefit, you have to pay the full cost of 'a. visit the doctor until you meet the deductible on your health insurance plan. After typical laboratory and diagnostic fee, and the doctor's fee, usually a routine visit can easily cost over $ 100.

If you or a member of the family covered will need to see a doctor a few times during the year anticipating a doctor visit copayment can save you a lot of money.

Although this benefit will add to your monthly premiums, you can reduce the cost considering a health insurance plan that limits the number of doctor visits for the specified copayment. Because you only get a certain number of visits, the plan will have premiums much lower than other unlimited business plans.

3. Choose a plan with a smaller network
Another way to reduce your premiums is to choose a plan with a network of smaller health care providers.

Most health insurance plans these days offer following insurance coverage with a special "network" of doctors, hospitals, specialists and clinics.

Some types of insurance, such as health plans PPO, offer a broader range of coverage that even includes care providers who are not in the network. HMO plans, on the other hand, restrict the doctors are covered -. and have lower premiums than BPP

There are chances that you will not need coverage for all doctors in the sun, so choose a plan with a smaller network can reduce your monthly premiums.

4. Get re-subscribed
This is the best kept secret to reduce your insurance costs. The amount you pay for your premium health plan is based on a process called "underwriting. "In the underwriting process, health insurance companies consider such things as the state of health and age to estimate the level of risk you'll need to get health care in the future.

people who are "riskier" may have one or more pre-existing health status, and thus their premiums will be higher than someone without conditions.

has a right direction? Your plan, your health, your premium.

But what most do not know is that insurance companies also base your premiums on the health of other insured they provide.

Now it does not seem fair. Why transporters do this?

the carriers put all their policyholders in what is known in the health insurance industry as "pools. "Say, for example, a swimming pool for a carrier includes 5 different health insurance plans and individual policyholders 100.

If 75 people in the pool become sick or injured, then the insurance company will increase premiums for every 100 insured. Indeed, the carrier must compensate the costs of medical care for 75 people. insurers also generally increase premiums every year because the pools tend to be unhealthier over time.

But there is an easy way to defend against these health insurance plans increase ... upscale pool switch.

by changing plans, chances are you'll be "re- subscribed "in a new pool full of new candidates. New applicants are generally younger and form a healthier pool - and you are all but guaranteed to get lower rates

So, should I switch to a new plan and a new medium

According to the.? Executive health insurance, I was talking to, you can do either. But first, try to get a lower rate with your current operator. - Only go if they can not meet the level of another carrier

With a new medium, the options are almost endless. It can really pay to shop around for different insurance companies to find much not offered by your current insurer. And of course, you will definitely be re-purchased by a new carrier.

In addition, if you stay with your existing operator or not, look / ask for new lines of insurance products. Insurance companies usually start new "pools" with new health plans.

Be careful in switching to another carrier, however. A new insurance company might hit on a 12-month waiting period before covering one or more of your pre-existing health conditions. If you stay with your health insurance company, on the other hand, you can avoid a waiting period.

Oh, and do not cancel your coverage with your old carrier until you are accepted into your new plan.

5. Be proactive
Thanks to our insurance informant, now you know some of the transactions 'hidden' that health insurance companies usually do not advertise.

If you want a little extra help with all this, do not be afraid to contact a health insurance agent licensed. Agents include small nuances insurance and can help you find these hidden deals

And one more thing -. Do not do that once in a lifetime. I was told that we should all be proactive with our insurance and re-visit our plans each year.

When the executive Medicare says it is safe to say, "You can almost always find a lower rate by moving to a different plan every year," we should all believe.

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