Officials warn consumers to be wary Medicare Mix-up this fall

12:19 PM
Officials warn consumers to be wary Medicare Mix-up this fall -

Health Care Reform as if educating millions of people about impending changes Medicare because of this drop was not challenging enough, federal officials also worry about the impact these changes will have on the population eligible Medicare. This population is often more vulnerable to scams or be exploited and could be left confused about the recent changes in health care.

Although the new health insurance markets do not include coverage of health insurance, the administration has a strict warning to those who attempt to sell the market coverage for people with disease; in fact, it has been illegal for about 20 years. According to information on a government Web page called Medicare & Market, "It is against the law for someone who knows that you have health insurance market to sell a plan." Those who violate the warning of the government can be slapped with fines of up to $ 25,000 or five years. Prison

Although most Americans are required to have health insurance in place by 1 January 2014 or pay a penalty; the elderly and people with disabilities enrolled in Medicare Part A does not need to buy a map of the exchange of health. Open enrollment for Medicare plans runs from 15 October 2013 to 7 December 2013. These plans will not be sold in the state insurance markets.

With so much attention surrounding the opening of health exchanges next month, it is easy to get confused. Officials ask consumers and Medicare eligible consultants to ensure they are actually reviewing health insurance plans and no market options.

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