McCain Sharpens Health Care Plan

1:44 PM
McCain Sharpens Health Care Plan -

John McCain This week, Republican presidential candidate and Arizona Senator John McCain laid out details of its health care reform plan.

Initially Senator McCain planned on focusing its health care reform efforts on cost control through better management of chronic health problems and encouraging clinical detail health care that provide care at a lower cost.

now in addition to this, the Arizona senator proposes to provide more Americans in the market for individual health insurance tax credits. McCain would offer families a tax credit of $ 5,000 to help them buy a health plan. People would get $ 2,500.

The biggest change Senator McCain would make the current health insurance system is that getting rid of tax breaks to employers who provide their workers coverage.

This would mean many companies would stop offering health benefits, and more people would have to find insurance on their own.

McCain advisers say eliminate employer tax relief would increase government revenue by $ 30000000000 10 years -. That would be redirected as tax credits for individuals and families, reported The New York Times

With more consumers in the market, Senator McCain says, increased competition would lower the overall cost of health insurance.

McCain also wants to let people buy plans across state lines to increase competition even further.

Senator McCain acknowledged some with certain pre-existing health conditions may not be able to find private coverage. That's why it will push states to launch pools of high-risk insurance and provide federal funding for pools.

"I will work tirelessly to solve the problem," said Senator McCain in a speech in Florida.

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