Does the traffic tickets increase as the economy goes down

9:52 PM
Does the traffic tickets increase as the economy goes down -

A word to the wise: keep to the speed limit. Although this is always good advice to both a security and an economic point of view, it may be even more important in light of a recent study

"A new study will be published in the Journal of Law of next month and the economy is statistical data that local governments use traffic citations to make up for revenue losses. While the economy tanks, motorists may be more likely to see red and blue in the rearview mirror. "

The study, which controlled for demographic and economic differences in the sample included an analysis of data from 96 North Carolina counties over a period of 14 years. The authors of the study said: " Specifically, a decrease of one percentage point in the results of local government revenue last year about an increase of 0.32 percent the number of tickets traffic in the following year. "
Other news reports suggest that the volume of banknotes increased in some states. For example, the Connecticut Police issued 78,000 speeding tickets in 08. This increase of 16% the previous year added to the state revenue $ 327,000. And as a way to offset budget deficits, some other states seek to increase fines for traffic violations. Florida basis of traffic fines recently increased $ 10, with fines increasing by as much as $ 35 to $ 60.
Now many officials would deny any link between the budget and the movement of municipal tickets. Denver officials allocate 20% peak last year in revenue from parking tickets not to the economy, but increasing fines, a series of special events such as the Democratic Convention, and an increase in the number of tickets writing staff .
It may well be true that any increase in local revenues linked notes circulation is a coincidence. On the other hand, the cash-strapped states and municipalities may see improved application as a win-win that increases public safety while contributing to a tighter budget. So next time you consider putting more pressure on the gas pedal or pulling in this space because of illegal parking "you will not be one minute," consider the fact that the odds could work against you. And remember, a traffic violation in motion is not only the question of a time step - in terms of insurance rates, tickets can be a drain for several years to come as your rates are partly based on your experience
[ read
State traffic Laws FindLaw
traffic Tickets, AZ FindLaw
How traffic working Notes from How Stuff Works

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