Valentine, AOS Day: stolen hearts are one thing, but the stolen jewelry is not fun

1:20 PM
Valentine, AOS Day: stolen hearts are one thing, but the stolen jewelry is not fun -

Valentine Day, AOS is a tradition back to 496 AD, with its real roots going back to St. Valentine, AOS execution 269 AD to marry couples against the mandate of the Roman emperor. Since then, Valentine's Day, SOA has become a goldmine for retailers. According to the Office of the US Census, sold jewelry stores $ 2.27 billion of goods in February 2011. Although this figure may seem huge, the National Retail Federation expects sales of jewelry to hit $ 4.1 billion this year. The results of the survey show that more than eight out of ten men are supposed to buy jewelry for their significant other this year, the highest amount ever reported their investigation did, leading to the purchase of expensive jewelry lots could easily become lost or stolen.
contribute to, Authe large Spend at is that the Valentine day, AOS is the third most popular time for couples to get engaged, lagging behind only Christmas and New Year. According to a survey conducted by Bride Magazine OSA last year, the average cost of a wedding ring is $ 4,647. In today, difficult economic times AOS that would not be easy to replace, nor would any of the other couples lavish gifts to buy this time of year.
Jewelry is popular with thieves
If you splurge for the holidays, or have a lot of expensive jewelry that already around, it might not be a bad idea to investigate your insurance options. Most burglars look for accessible elements of value that can be easily transported, jewelry making it a prime target since the articles are often ignored or kept in easy to grasp jewelry boxes. The Insurance Information Institute offers the warning that expensive jewelry gifts and others can have a minimum coverage under standard homeowners insurance policies and offers tips on how to properly secure your valuables.

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