fraud alert FBI: warnings about new scams via phones and social networks

2:33 PM
fraud alert FBI: warnings about new scams via phones and social networks -

Whether through new media such as social networks or technology " old school "as your home phone, do not let your guard down. The FBI recently gave a warning about two scams that are surfacing.
Denial of service attacks phone
The FBI issued a warning about a new telephone scam that uses the phone denial of service (dos) attack to overwhelm cellular phones victims and land lines with thousands of calls. This diversionary tactic ties up service to give criminals the time to empty the bank or brokerage accounts of the victim. Before the attack on phone, the criminal would have obtained bank account numbers and the victim's password, either through malicious software that the victim inadvertently downloaded via the victim or the information provided on the phone or in response to an e-mail phishing. The subsequent attack DOS serves both as a distraction, and also prevents a victim to call to account the changes to protect their accounts
Social Networks scam :. Your friend is blocked
Scammers send notice to your contact list Facebook or Twitter posing as you and tell your contacts that you are stranded after a flight (or like disaster) and you need the help quickly. Of course, the assistance sought is urgent and would be in the form of cash. To avoid being supported by such a scam, be alert and aware and just check requests for help before acting on them. And if you think your account has been hacked and fake messages are sent to your contacts, post a note on your page alert friends and family that your account may be compromised and ignore such messages.
To protect yourself from these and other scams, the FBI says:

  • implement security measures for all financial accounts by placing fraud alerts with the major credit bureaus if you believe they were targeted by an ODI attack or other forms of fraud
  • Use passwords for all financial accounts and change them regularly
  • Obtain and review your annual credit report for fraudulent activity
  • If you are a target of an ODI attack, immediately contact your financial institutions, notify your phone provider, and quickly report the site to IC3: www.IC3 .gov

Other resources

  • FBI - common fraud schemes
  • FBI - New e-scams and warnings
  • most difficult Internet scams FBI details
  • census and fraud investigations
  • 2010 - recent scams - as reported by the Office for the protection NY consumers
  • Tips to avoid phishing e-mail
  • 10 tips for safe social networking
  • common scams and fraud resources
  • on Guard online
  • How to reduce the risk of online fraud
  • Stay Safe online
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