How safe are your favorite children on their new jobs

5:48 PM
How safe are your favorite children on their new jobs -

clearing services partner for our Ryan Lynch workers had already posted this on their workers' Blog Comp - we thought it was important advice that bears repeating as we approach the summer months.
If you are a parent of a high school or college age child, you are probably familiar with the search for summer employment. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, over 2 million teenage workers flock to the workplace, often for the first time. Think about your first job - it can be an exciting thing to earn that first paycheck. It can also be very dangerous. Each year about 70 teenagers are killed at work and about a quarter of a million people suffer injuries at work. This means that about once every three minutes, a teen is injured at work.
Everything for the first time workers are vulnerable to an accident at work, the true particularly teenagers, often because of juvenile feelings of invincibility. New workers are not yet hardened. Because they do not know their limits, they are more susceptible to burnout, and sprains. Young workers are usually not seasoned enough to have good judgment about the risks. Eager to make a good impression, they often do not want to ask for help, the question of authority, or call attention to themselves in any way.
Most deaths from work-related adolescence occur as a result of motor vehicle or as a result of machinery-related accidents. Agriculture accounted for over 40% of these deaths, followed by the wholesale / retail trade and construction. frequent non-fatal injuries include lacerations, contusions, abrasions, sprains, or strains. Weather-related injuries are also common - sunburn, exposure to heat, and the like. The nonfatal injuries following the most common types of employment :. Wholesale / retail and service industries
During the month, we will follow with more information on this subject. today we would like to address the parents and urge parents (or aunts, uncles, friends) to be proactive about the safety of teen workers:
familiar with the laws on child labor in your state . Know the hours they can work, and restrictions on the type of work they can do. For example, according to the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE):

"... by law your employer must provide protective clothing and equipment necessary to your job, payment of medical expenses if you are injured at work and training in security work environment; and, on a school day, a 15-year-old is only allowed to work up to three hours . Sixteen day are limited to the type of work they can do, for example, on those jobs. - A. operate a meat slicing machine at a deli counter, B. drive a forklift in a warehouse, C . waiting tables in a restaurant, or D. perform demolition work on a construction site - 16 years is legally allowed to work waiting tables

... teenagers. are not allowed to work in mining, logging, meatpacking, roofing, excavation or demolition work, according to labor laws. They can not drive a car or a forklift or work with saws, explosives, radioactive materials, or most machines "

Take a detailed interest in the work of your teenager -.. talk to your child about what they do on the job and talk specifically about security issues Ask lots of questions :?
-Do you work alone
- who is your supervisor is he or she in your workspace with you
-Do you use any equipment or machinery Have you had training
-? What would you do if ...
trust your instincts -. call or visit a workplace before your teen starts to work if you have any doubts after the start of work, follow up with the boss or supervisor
Other resources for parents :.
Ministry of Youth and Labour of the work page
OSHA: Do you have a working teenager
Pointing for Trouble - Teens and dangerous work
what teens need to know before going to work
the teen workers: Avoiding worst five 05 jobs this summer
Smart Shift work: Parents helping help their teens avoid dangerous jobs
conduct on employment: A new law for teen workers
teen driving Safety
Your teen at work: Tips for parents

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