Insurance issues for US military service members and their families

10:41 PM
Insurance issues for US military service members and their families

- The day that veteran 09, we recognize and welcome all American veterans. Thank you for your service to our great country - thank you! For those who would like to show appreciation in a concrete way - why not hire a vet? And we also call your attention to a worthy cause that helps solve some of the old seriously injured in recent conflicts fighters: The Wounded Warrior Project provides services and programs to alleviate the burden of the most seriously injured and their families, to help the recovery process, and facilitate their transition to civilian life.
insurance issues related to the army
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has established a great resource on insurance issues as they relate specifically to the United States military service members and their families, noting that the insurance cover can often be affected when someone moves out of state or take an extended period of time away from home. NAIC suggests that soldiers tell their agents before deploying to arrange for the renewal of insurance and payment to ensure they do not lose significant coverage. The site covers in particular life insurance issues regarding the military service members, including buying tips and red flags for deceptive practices. The site also addresses other types of insurance coverage, including homeowners, rental, automobile and health insurance. There are many considerations and questions to discuss with your agent if your house will be vacant, check whether your insurer has a vacancy clause that would limit your coverage; discover how your home insurance will cover all the goods you have with you during deployment; and check to see if your car insurance policy will allow you to suspend all or part of your coverage.
NAIC also suggests that deploying service members may want to consider assigning a proxy to a spouse, family member, or a trusted friend who can act on your behalf in the insurance, financial issues, personal or legal. The site offers a list of links to useful resources for other sources of benefits and assistance.
insurance and investment Avoid scams and identity theft targeting military families
The military and their families are good targets for fraud: they are far from home for long periods while mobilized into service; families are often transient; salaries are regular and predictable; and members of the service return often have extra cash salary combat. In TRAPPED! financial scams targeting military families, Kimberly Lankford Military Money discusses common scams and offers tips and resources to help you avoid becoming a victim.
To reduce the risk of identity theft being deployed, the military may want to place an "active duty alert" on credit reports. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the alert should be creditors to verify your identity before granting credit in your name. active duty alerts on your report are effective for one year, unless you request that the warning be removed earlier.
the FTC also encourages members service file complaints by the military network Consumer Sentinel, a secure online database of the Community complaints army. Although the FTC does not resolve individual disputes, complaints help the effort to target the case of prosecutions , stop the crooks, spot patterns of fraud before they become widespread, and the military community alert to scams.
problems in the workplace
employers must be aware of their legal obligations to military employees leave and the legal obligations to veterans under the 1994 re-employment rights Act (USERRA) employment services and in uniform. In addition to legal obligations, it is important for employers to take action to help service members transition to the workplace. In addition, the Insurance Information Institute offers tips on What Employers and their insurers need to know about returning veterans. There are many questions that may be related to global benefits, workers compensation, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

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