Make sure that your expensive gifts are protected - ensure the objects of value

9:03 PM
Make sure that your expensive gifts are protected - ensure the objects of value -

Santa was good to you during the holidays? If you have received valuable gifts you can review your insurance coverage to ensure that these are adequately protected in case of loss. standard homeowners, renters and condominium insurance policy generally covers personal items, but the policies often have limits of $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 on the dollar for some valuables. You may also want to check your deductibles. It is a good idea to review your policy to be sure of the extent of your cover and check with your insurance agent if you have questions or doubts. You can add a rider (also called a runner) to give you additional coverage for value
objects Here is a list of some potentially high-value items that you might consider for additional coverage :.

  • expensive and precious stone jewelery
  • original and personalized art or handicraft
  • musical instruments
  • Antiques and heirlooms
  • crystal, china, silverware
  • Furs
  • Collectibles and special collections
  • hardware

it is good practice to keep an inventory of home and updated periodically. The Insurance Information Institute offers advice on taking a home inventory, as well as free downloadable software inventory at home. The inventory is stored on your computer, but it's a good idea to keep a backup copy in a safe place on a CD or portable flash memory stick.
additional Lectures
Insurance Information Institute: jewelry and other expensive gifts may require special insurance coverage
New South Carolina insurance service. Ensure gifts this holiday season
FiLife: objects Insurance Guide value: The basic principles

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