Halloween Pet Perils ... and people, too

4:23 PM
Halloween Pet Perils ... and people, too -

Last year, we posted a good overview of safety tips to keep Halloween people and goods safely - especially tiny zombies that could come to your house. There are also some examples and excellent pumpkin carving tips.
This year we are focusing on pets. ABC News published Tips for Making Halloween safer for pets. Halloween is one of the most dangerous day of the year for the animals because of the myriad dangers it presents.

The abundance of candy lying around is a huge problem, because chocolate is toxic to dogs. National Geographic has an excellent interactive doggie chocolate card that tells you when to worry. According to the NRF, Americans spend nearly $ 1.8 billion on Halloween Candy. That's a lot of candy lying around waiting to be ingested by animals. Not only that, but most packages are choking hazards for animals. Even households Health conscious that distribute boxes of raisins instead of candy should know that raisins are also dangerous for dogs and can cause kidney failure

Here are some pet hazards: .

  • heavy traffic to your front door gives your pet more than ample opportunities for escape. Many animals are lost or injured. Halloween is the second most reported day of the year for animals fleeing, the first being July 4th.
  • decorative candles can look festive pets but many receive injuries from them every Halloween. Whether your cat knocking a candle out of coat or stick his head in a jack-o-lantern, candles can burn and hurt your pets if you are not careful.
  • owners who dress their pets in Halloween costumes should always maintain surveillance. Many poses choking hazard suits, overheating of animals, or to entangle and take nasty falls.

Many people do not invest in pet insurance, which is clearly a mistake. If you do not have insurance already animal why not contact a Renaissance Alliance Insurance Agent near you?

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