Study shows Memorial Day is a holiday at high risk for injuries to children

3:34 PM
Study shows Memorial Day is a holiday at high risk for injuries to children -

A recent research report shows that children suffer more injuries on stays - and the Labor day and Memorial day are two of the most dangerous days for children. The researchers say that sound is probably because these holidays are often celebrated outside and children are more likely to participate in physical activities.
Researchers collected information related injuries to children-the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, a nationally representative sample of 98 hospitals in the United States emergency departments, comparing the records for eight major Vacation over 10 years. The study does not include injuries related to the automobile or minor injuries that do not require treatment in the emergency room
According to an analysis of the research report written by Rachel Rettenr of :.

  • 62% of holiday injuries happened to boys
  • 29% of injuries happened to children under 5
  • 41.6% of holiday injuries were sports or
  • related leisure
  • Approximately 20% of holiday injuries were "home structure" related, including injuries from doors and countertops
  • Approximately 16% of injuries holidays were related to furniture, including chairs and tables
  • 29% of injuries were lacerations he

Here are some tips to help you keep your children safe on Memorial Day

  • safe kids USA offers some simple tips to avoid injury grill
  • pool safety instructions for toddlers
  • test your windows children?
  • Cycling and security skating
  • 8 summer safety myths that put your children at risk
  • 8 reasons children end up in ER and how to prevent
  • do not let your children become dehydrated
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