Clickjacking: A New Digital trap for the unwary

11:18 AM
Clickjacking: A New Digital trap for the unwary -

The Internet is a wonderful thing and a tool that many of us do not know that we ever did without. Yet as wonderful as the Internet can be, there are dangers online. Most of us are savvy enough these days to never click a link in an email from an unknown, but unfortunately, as we have wised up, so have the fraudsters. There's new stuff out there that every citizen of this wired age should be aware of.
Clickjacking is one of the newest tricks in Internet directory scammers. First discussed in 08, clickjacking has come into its own with the popularity of social media like Facebook. Clickjacking occurs when a scam artist or other nasty Internet-based places an invisible button or any other element of the user interface on top of a seemingly innocent button on the Web page. In a clickjack attack an unsuspecting Facebook user can click on a web page in search of innocent, thinking the link is fine. In reality, the invisible link, they are actually click can activate a button that can do a number of things, including changing the privacy settings on their Facebook account, set up a fake "like" on their feed Facebook , asking them to submit personal information or even, in the worst case, activating something on their computer as a webcam or a microphone. Not only the immediately affected user, but a fake Facebook "like" can lead many of their friends to click as well. This is annoying as well as potentially dangerous. Clickjacking is so severe that Facebook and Washington State have taken action against alleged clickjackers in recent weeks.
How can you ensure that you are not taken? Always make sure that you use the latest version of your Internet browser selected. The latest version of Firefox can be found here at Mozilla; Internet Explorer at Microsoft and Google Chrome here. You can also consider the browser add-ons such as NoScript, you can download here. As always, however, your best protection against scammers is your own common sense. Check your Facebook privacy settings often and make sure that you are comfortable with how you share. Always be aware of what you are clicking. Remember, all that is promising something for nothing is too good to be true.
If you are concerned about your vulnerability to identity theft, find an insurance agent New England Renaissance Alliance to discuss identity theft insurance. And if you're a business, you may want to learn about Cyberliability insurance.

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