Help Stop the distraction adolescence

3:58 PM
Help Stop the distraction adolescence - wheel

Reading a GPS. Answering a cell phone. Typing text.

It is hardly surprising that the administration of the safety of the road (NHTSA) reports that nearly 3,000 of the approximately 33,000 people who die in car accidents every year are the because of a distracted driver. And while distracted drivers include people of all ages, a full 13 percent of distracted drivers involved in fatal accidents in 2010 were aged 15 to 19 years.

bad choices, devastating consequences

STRESSING the seriousness of distracted driving was a teenager a recent court case against a 18 year old who became the first person in the state of Massachusetts for be convicted of manslaughter motor vehicle as a result of texting while driving. For his part in causing the death of a man 55 years old, father of three, he received two years in prison and lost his license for another 15.

A less publicized case is that of daughter ERIE Agent James Murdoch James Murdoch B. insurance Group in Camp Hill, Pa. on 26 December 2011, 17 years Ashleigh crashed through a fence while sending a text message. After the initial implementation of relief was injured, James took away the keys of her daughter and made her pay for the damage. "I am upset and frustrated because I always preached to children not texting and driving," he said. "Ashleigh woke up that day."

The incident has inspired more James later to launch "Put it Down", an awareness campaign on the dangers of using a cell phone while driving to get the message, James led a nine-month display campaign. distributed more 400 magnets and 1,0 bottles of water with the campaign logo on them;. and urged parents to sign a contract with their Safe Driving teenage drivers

Today, Ashleigh would not think so texting driving. she also uses her story to deter other driving distractions adolescents. "driving is a privilege," she said. "you must be careful for yourself and the people around you, not using Facebook® or texting. "

Fun in the digital age

While the distraction used to be limited to the radio button, and a few friends, today's new technologies create great many new distractions for young drivers considers the following entertainment :.

  • Talking or texting on a cell phone
  • Eating or drinking
  • Talking to passengers
  • The use of a system navigation
  • Watch video
  • Adjusting the radio, CD player or MP3 player

other causes of accidents include shaving ( yes, shaving), makeup and reading while driving.

Texting is particularly dangerous. Sending or receiving a text takes a driver's eyes on the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, which is the equivalent of driving 55 mph down while a blind on the football field!

What is a parent to do?

  • Lead by example. A recent Consumer Reports survey found that 48 percent of young drivers saw their mother or father talking on a cell phone while driving and another 15 percent had witnessed a relative of texting while behind the wheel . Your teen is looking to you for cues, be a role model and put the phone.
  • know the driving laws of your state. States are increasingly prohibit phone use while driving. So while your teen should have a policy of hands-off phone because it is the right thing to do, the penalties for getting caught could serve as an additional incentive. Visit brush on the laws of distracted driving in your state.

sign a driving contract safely with your teen. In conducting security contract James distributed under the Put It Down campaign, he asked parents to discuss the dangers of driving with their teens; the dangers of driving with someone under the influence of drugs or alcohol; and the need to wear a seat belt at all times.

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