Drivers Ed: Carbon Cutting

8:02 PM
Drivers Ed: Carbon Cutting -

Court not go anywhere or do anything, there are many ways to reduce your personal pollution when you travel. You can shorten journeys by car. Group races for efficiency. Even plan your route with more right than left turns-so you do not have to idle for long. All these changes slow the amount of fuel you consume.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), simple techniques can really help. The EPA suggests not make jackrabbit starts to green lights, keep your oil changed and avoid idling the engine, which burns fuel, but you get zero miles per gallon. The idea is to maximize mileage per gallon.

overall maintenance of the car makes a difference, too. Improperly inflated tires can reduce by 3 percent fuel consumption and a single misfiring spark plug can reduce fuel consumption by 4 percent, according to the National Automobile Dealers Association
( ).

The biggest change you can make is to consider purchasing the most efficient car fuel in the class you choose.

To find a clean car, check the mandatory energy efficiency qualities on new cars- they will appear on the 2012 models All cars must meet minimum standards of exhaust year they been built, according to the EPA. By knowing the details of the energy efficiency of different models, consumers will be educated enough to make choices that help keep the air clean and save money at the pump.

A second label will reflect the emissions of greenhouse gas of a given model. The best choice, as they develop further, may be hybrid or electric. (See what is available now and what comes of .)

Why go green? These greener cars get the green light in other ways, too. "The new models of green cars are better designed, have more of new security technologies and can get in fewer accidents," says ERIE'a Dave Freeman, Vice President, Personal Lines Underwriting. "They usually have drivers safe, too. "

Although it is too early for data to confirm whether hybrids and all-electric cars have reduced friendly safety records, Freeman suspect that these cars can crash time and liability costs cut. with their small size, they are easier to maneuver and do less damage to other vehicles. even better, the smaller battery green size technology, longer loads, lower toxicity, fewer lamps should still correct the path.

like to cut your footprint when using other forms of transport, there is no cut and dried. the EPA points out that the trains may be diesel or electric. The buses carry many more passengers than cars, but they burn more fuel. Aircraft-well, they are difficult to judge, too. Your average airliner burns about a gallon of fuel, one second. On the other hand, it carries hundreds of people at once, which could cut the fuel consumption per person at a level lower than that of a car.

EPA official statement. "Emissions of greenhouse gas per passenger mile flight vary according to factors such as aircraft type, duration of travel, occupancy rates and the weight of luggage and cargo "

As with any trip, long or short, how you will depend on a mix of cost, time, urgency, availability and personal preference. The good thing is now you also have tools to factor in your impact on the environment. Go to for a calculator to measure your footprint. Or, go to to find the latest information on fuel consumption in cars.

carbon footprint -What it means

Def: The toxic pollution released by burning fossil fuels, either by individuals, households, cars, factories or power generation. The carbon footprint measures the environmental impact of non-renewable resources.

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