Help text Stops Drivers Go Free text

12:43 PM
Help text Stops Drivers Go Free text -
Stop sign

Texting while driving makes you 23 times more likely to crash. But how do you go free text when you can not seem to ignore pings your phone?

State and local authorities are trying to help by adopting regulations to help make the text of the free roads. New York is one of 41 states that have banned texting while driving. Now, the Empire State takes an unconventional approach to the problem by installing 300 road signs directing drivers to 91 "text stops" throughout the state. These are areas where drivers can pull over to operate safely on a message.

New York is the first state to try this new approach to make the text of the free roads. They have good reason to try: Last summer, New York has seen an increase of 365 percent in tickets issued for distracted driving compared to summer 2012. This comes to 21,000 tickets in just three months

Do others. States follow suit? It is too early to tell. Meanwhile, these applications can help you get free text if there is no text to stop.

Apps to help you drive free text

  • DriveScribe
    DriveScribe is a free app for iOS and Android users blocking all texts and calls when it is switched to "pilot" mode. the application also allows you in the loop on the limits and alerts you when displayed speed you go too fast. It also keeps parents involved in the loop by sending text or email alerts when the vehicle of a child exceeds the speed limit.
  • tXtBlocker
    tXtBlocker allows you to customize exactly when and where your phone shouldn 't accept calls and texts. (For example, you can set permanently to block communication while you're commuting.) Anyone trying to contact you will either go to voicemail or receive a message letting them know tXtBlocker is active. The application is compatible with all mobile operators and costs $ 6.99 / month.
  • OneProtect
    OneProtect is an application for Android and Blackberry users that requires you to indicate if you are a driver or a passenger. There is no fable allowed: If you claim to be a passenger, be prepared to spend attention verification test in the text of goal or make a call. (Emergency telephone calls are allowed at any time.)

Tame your usual texting

Technology can be your best friend or your worst enemy. By leveraging these applications, you can make it your ally.

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