Red Light Cameras get clearance

6:49 PM
Red Light Cameras get clearance -

red light cameras may not seem like a bad idea considering that a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) found that 22 percent of urban accidents were caused by drivers who ran red lights, stop signs and other traffic controls. In addition, the injuries occurred in 39 percent of these accidents. Which was released in 118,000 injuries and 714 deaths in 2011.

The most promising way to get red light runners to stop perhaps because of lightweight cameras, which have been keeping a watchful eye on pilot since its first appearance in New York City in the 190s

red light cameras are an affordable and effective alternative to increase the police presence at busy intersections. Today, more than 500 US cities have red light cameras. These include the metropolitan areas such as Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Philadelphia and Washington

Several developments led to this slight increase. Anne McCartt, vice president of research at IIHS, says longer commutes and more time spent driving means road safety has become an important issue for many motorists. Also, word is spreading about the effectiveness of cameras.

"The research that we and others have shown that red light cameras are always effective in reducing violations, accidents, injuries and death," she said.


The IIHS study in 2011 against large cities with red-light cameras to those without and found that the red fatal reduced camera light accidents operating 24 percent. IIHS an earlier review of international studies of the red light camera has concluded that violations of the lower devices 40 to 50 percent and reduce injury crashes by 25 to 30 percent.

In addition, McCartt notes that there is also a "ripple effect" of road signs and advertisements announcing the presence of the cameras. They tend to make drivers be on better behavior at all intersections, not just those with red light cameras.

"We believe this is a big part of providing security with automatic control," she said. "The other communities are doing to publicize the cameras, plus the ripple effect will be. "

How cameras at red lights work

After reviewing the local search search traffic, communities will decide to install cameras at intersections with high traffic with high rates of accidents and red light violations of operation. Sensors monitor when the light is green, yellow or red. When the driver passes through an intersection after the light turns red, the car triggers the sensor to indicate that a violation has occurred.

Based on a review of the photo, a ticket is mailed to the owner of the car associated with the license plate. Laws allowing the automatic application vary from state right now, the road safety cameras are permitted in about half of American States.

red light cameras = Big Brother?

Just because the research clearly shows that red light cameras reduce traffic accidents, injuries and deaths does not mean everyone is sold on the idea.

First, some people worry that they interfere with the private lives of motorists and traffic synchronization of light. Others argue that the cameras have more to do with revenue generation than prevention of accidents and save lives. Still others say that the driver is a disadvantage because the ticket recipient are not informed quickly, there are no witnesses of the violation and the drivers are not always clearly identified in the photographs.

light Today, there are anti-red camera sites, online petitions and Facebook® pages. The American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut has recently opposed four bills allowing red light cameras based on the lag time prior to receiving a ticket, it is difficult for alleged offenders to remember details and challenge the ticket.

Get caught

So, what happens to your insurance premium if you scoot a red light (accidentally, of course) and get caught the camera?

"In most states, nothing," said Dave Freeman ERIE, Vice President, Personal Lines Underwriting. "Unlike a ticket issued by a police officer, most jurisdictions have a airline ticket red light camera citation as a civil (like a parking ticket) rather than a moving violation. "This means that the ticket is issued to the owner of the car instead of the driver which means no points on your license and not affect the insurance.

Yet this does not mean you're off the hook. Freeman says you can pay a fine of $ 25 to $ 500. and Arizona, California and Illinois, drivers who run red lights have points added to their licenses.

If you get pulled by a real officer for a red light, it's another story. this is considered a moving violation, which could affect your premiums.

To help prevent rate increases, consider ERIE Rate Lock ® * (not available in Maryland, New York and North Carolina). This amendment freezes your year of automatic premium after year, even if you file a claim. Your rate does not change when you add or remove a vehicle or driver to your policy or change the location where your car is in the garage. *

* Limited to three years in Virginia. ERIE Rate Lock ® does not guarantee a continuous insurance coverage. Insured must meet applicable underwriting guidelines. Premium may change if you make a change in policy.

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