How to avoid a parking

2:45 PM
How to avoid a parking - Accident
Parking Lot full of cars

There are many more parking is going on in parking lots. Dodging near misses, cut, looking for a place to worry about cars and carts dinging your car parking lots can be stressful places. And a parking accident is often the worst fear of all.

Twenty percent of all accidents occur in parking lots. In addition, 52 percent of injuries resulting from accidents backover occur when a vehicle back into a person in a parking lot.

"Many accidents occur in parking lots, and it is not always easy to avoid aren when other drivers' t pay attention or are backing up to a space," says Russ Rader, vice president of communications for the insurance Institute for Highway safety.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep you, your car and others safely.

  1. Sloooowww down and proceed with caution. This is common sense, but a car accident could be avoided by driving in a school zone speed, keeping your headlights on and using extra precautions when setting or backup.
  2. properly set your mirrors. many drivers could benefit from moving side mirrors further. also the addition of mirrors blind spot in your side mirrors.
  3. Embrace technology. "If you're in the market for a new vehicle, consider buying a collision avoidance technology," says Rader. Initially only in luxury cars, these technologies are now in many vehicles of the public family.
    • rear cameras display what's behind your car on a screen. If you are not in the market for a new car, consider installing a stand-alone backup camera in your current car.
    • Radar and ultrasonic systems beep when they detect an object
      behind your car. (Some will even automatically apply the brakes.)
    • Vehicle Cross Traffic Alert systems use sensors to apply the
      brake when a vehicle is approaching.
    • Parking assistance systems will automatically park your car
      you. (No more parallel parking!)
  4. If possible, park away from other cars. Walking is good for you anyway.
  5. Look for pull-through spots. They save you from having to go back later.
  6. Be very careful on windy days. strong winds can easily knock a door or truck in your car.
  7. Keep an eye on stray carts. They can do a number on your vehicle.

If you want to go further, try shopping day at low volume. Use Institute reports that time the busiest day of the grocery store and time is Saturday 10:00 to 4:00 p.m. low traffic days are Mondays and Tuesdays, especially after 18 hours

Of course, accidents can still occur even if you are careful and do your shopping at midnight. That is why it is important to have collision insurance, which covers damage to your car maintains that it is your fault or not. This means you are covered if you have an accident accidentally into a lamppost or your parked car is majorly rang. It is reassuring, especially if you are among the five most notoriously bad parkers.

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