Keep your cool when Visits Road Rage

7:50 PM
Keep your cool when Visits Road Rage -
Man driving angry

Picture It: You're driving along a crisp autumn morning on your work day. Suddenly, another driver zips by on your left, near clips from your front bumper and flies back into your lane. You jump in your seat, pedals on breaks and swerved to avoid a collision.

Sound familiar? aggressive drivers may even try the most patient person. Your first reaction might be to scream by the unpleasant driver window or even speed up to "teach them a lesson." It can be hard not to lose your cool when other drivers do not respect the rules of the road but if you do, you end up being just as aggressive as the driver that aggravated you.

According to the US Department of Transportation, as the most obvious road rage is aggressive and excessive speed. it is important to keep control when dealing with an aggressive driver and not retaliate to prevent further delay. the national Administration road safety found that aggressive driving is a factor in two-thirds of all . fatal traffic accidents

in mind, here are six tips to help you keep your cool when dealing with aggressive drivers so you do not become one yourself:

  1. make yourself comfortable before you go on the road - even uncomfortable temperatures and poor sitting posture can feed irritation. Make sure your seat is in the correct position before leaving your input and keep the temperature comfortable. This way, if you encounter something frustrating on the road, your mood will be more affected by the discomfort
  2. Breathe deeply if you feel becoming frustrated -. Take some deep breaths, breathing through the nose and mouth. Remember that you do not know why the other person was driving aggressively. They might have an emergency and, although this is not the case, it is best to just let go
  3. Keep your hands on the wheel -. This will avoid accidentally inciting a new aggression. Even a seemingly reasonable reactive gesture like throwing a hand in exasperation, can cause other problems with an aggressive driver. If your conduct instigated aggression (as you make a mistake that angered another driver), use of the open palm gesture to show your appreciation of the offensive act or do nothing at all to avoid misunderstanding .
  4. What all this safely - If you feel a rant coming or insurmountable urge to express your feelings, roll down the windows and let out when the other driver may not see you. Shoot and vent your anger to yourself verbally instead of physically aggressive driving
  5. Let sooner rather than later -. Waiting in long lines of traffic where a multitude of drivers are all trying to get to the same place can make tensions are high. To avoid running behind and risking aggressive driving, give yourself enough time to reach your destination
  6. Stay in your vehicle -. No matter what. The situations can quickly escalate when two angry drivers decide to get closer to each other. Put on some soothing music to help you relax and think happy thoughts

To be fair, aggressive driving is not the only thing that can irritate other drivers. Driving too defensive can as well. I had to use these tips are only a situation of returning from a recent trip. Halfway home, I found myself behind a vehicle traveling twenty miles under the posted speed limit. It took all my self-control and a good deal of verbal exclamations to curb the urge to get right on their bumper. Fortunately, I realized I had the resources to deal with the situation and, fortunately, the vehicle slowly moving off the main road shortly after.

Whatever you do, do not give aggressive driving punishing the one who has done for you. Combat Aggressive driving with defensive driving and taking steps to stay calm about road rage. Next time someone tailgates you late for work in the left lane, or worse, you cut, breathe deeply, muttering under your breath, turn the radio on and stay focused on following the rules of the road.

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