What YOLO mean to you?

1:44 PM
What YOLO mean to you? -
You Only Live Once

YOLO. You saw it, right? It has been popping up everywhere lately, websites to T-shirts to Zac Efron hand tattoo. But what YOLO means? You Only Live Once .

Reincarnation debates aside, the feeling is in the same vein as carpe diem (seize the day), but not quite.

While carpe diem has more flavor "embrace life and enjoy the moment," YOLO is often used in reference to reckless behavior As in. "Have fun, even if it means even take unnecessary risks or-irresponsible. "

So what types of risks taken on behalf of YOLO

It's too late? ask McKinness Ervin, 21-year- old aspiring rapper who was killed in a fiery car crash last year. a few minutes before a red light and hit a wall at 0 miles per hour, he tweeted, "Driving Drunk af [sic] from 0 drifting corners ... # YOLO "

insurance is all about risk and decide how much you 're comfortable taking. a former colleague has learned the hard way that life in an apartment without a font renters insurance was not worth the gamble, after a fire destroyed most of his property.

life insurance jump is a risk, too. I will never forget a story shared by a colleague who started as a ERIE Agent . He once received a call from a widow, wondering if he had sold her late husband's life insurance policy.

"I find you in his office business card," she said, crying, "a brochure with life insurance. Please tell me you sold him a policy. please . "

But he had not. And he said he did forgave having to tell the widow not, not to stress once again that man just how important life insurance was. The experience had a lasting influence on his life and career with ERIE today.

What kind of risks are YOLO worthy for you? If they run on the wild side, here are some safer alternatives to consider.

Instead of playing with fire ... set on fire mouth. jalapeños, Tabasco sauce, Red Hot Frank-I love 'em all. Oelek sambal chili paste flood is a current favorite in soups, stews, eggs, basically anything pizza, but the ice cream. (A good rule of thumb. If you are not durable / enjoy the Holy Trinity Hot forehead sweating, sniffing noses and watery eyes there is not enough spicy)

instead of texting while driving ... sing while driving. "Life is a Highway" is an obvious choice for the run-of-the-mill road trips. If you are cross-country flying, try "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)." Bonus points if you put it on repeat and let The Proclaimers "DA DA DA DA! (DA DA DA DA)! DA DA DA DA! (DA DA DA DA)! DA DA DA DA! (DA DA DA DA)! "Until you can not take longer and switch to something less repetitive. Like, for example," Macarena. "

Instead of YOLO ... eat a Rolo . Read some Paulo Coelho. Hit movie solo. wearing a bolo. Playing polo. Or water polo. Or Marco Polo. Or a piccolo.

You really only live once so do not cut short by doing something stupid.

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