Q & A: How to Hire a House Sitter

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Q & A: How to Hire a House Sitter -

It is a sad fact that over 2.1 million home invasions occur every year America.

The threat of home invasion is a big reason why many people choose to rent a house sitter when they left for a long period of time. A house sitter can be someone who lives in your home while you are away or just someone who stops by regularly to get the mail and check on things.

If you've never rented a house sitter, you probably have questions about how to find a trustworthy person, what you can expect from their services and how they are paid. The following tips will help make the process as smooth as possible.

How can I find a house sitter trustworthy?

A good place to start is to ask trusted friends and family members if they know someone who is interested and able to monitor your home. A reference is one of the best ways to hire a house sitter.

Another option is to hire a professional house sitter. (! Yes, they exist) Some free online resources, you can see the following:

  • Mindmyhouse.com
  • Housesittersamerica.com
  • LuxuryHouseSitting.com

If you hire someone you do not know, make sure to ask for references. You may also consider asking friends and family to check your home from time to time to see if everything looks okay.

What should I do before my house sitter arrives?

First, you must decide if you want someone to stay in your home full time or just stop by on a regular basis.

Once you fix that, you'll want to expose expectations. Is the house sitter responsible for looking after pets? What kind of tasks do you need support? Common responsibilities of house sitters include:

  • Get (and shipping sometimes) mail
  • Watering plants
  • household Light
  • Animal Care
  • Mowing
  • Gardening
  • Reports of problems you now

of course, more a house sitter fact, the more they will have to be compensated. (More on that later.)

Finally, you'll want to have the house sitter at your home before leaving. Show them the lay of the land, explaining how alarm systems work, how to turn off water pipes and how to deal with unexpected emergencies. If you have pets, your house sitter certainly meet them.

Do I need a contract?

Some people find the peace of mind of working with their lawyer to create a formal contract. Many others find a checklist with detailed instructions on what needs to be done is enough. The decision will depend on your relationship with the sitter home and your own comfort level. Keep in mind that many companies sitting referral house professionals provide home sitting arrangements in the context of their services.

Should I cover all other expenses in addition to paying a house sitter?

more tasks, you'll want to agree on how food and utilities will be handled if the house sitter will live in your home. While most house sitters take care of their own food, some can apply for an allowance for food. Whichever option you go with, specify which kitchen appliances and gadgets you house sitter is allowed to use and how to use them.

utility payment negotiations may come into play if you are gone for more than a few weeks, so make sure you and your life in house sitter are on the same page before leaving.

How much do I pay?

This can really vary. If the person is simply stop by to check the house, get the mail and water plants, figure at least $ 15 to $ 25 per visit. Additional duties such as cleaning or pet care (especially if the dog walking is required) justify more.

is more complicated if someone lives in your home while you are away. professional house sitters will probably have a daily rate while some people (like students) will host sit at no cost in exchange for a free place to stay. Know the motivation of the person sitting to the house is key. The location of your home and the responsibilities of the guardian of the house must also be considered.

is appropriate tipping?

If you feel your house sitter has met or exceeded your expectations, a tip is a kind gesture (but not necessary). Another option is to give them a thoughtful gift for your travels.

What happens if something were to happen under their watch?

The best way to prevent anything from happening is carefully vet your house sitter. This person has the keys to the kingdom, so to speak, so make sure he or she can trust by checking references, meeting in advance and through a professional house sitting if necessary.

It also helps to clearly agree on the expectations well in advance and to provide detailed instructions on how to care for your home and pet her. You will also need to leave the numbers of your local police department, your contact information, the contact information of a trusted person in your town or city, and the number of your veterinarian if you have a pet company. If you rent your place, let your home owner sitting arrangement, making sure both your own and your house sitter have information of the other contact.

Just like when you let your friend borrow your car, your homeowners or renters coverage generally provides protection if your house sitter damage your home or file a liability claim against you. That said, it's not a bad idea to talk to your insurance agent if you have someone watching your house. This is especially true if the person is looking for an extended period of time or if he or she will live in your home. An insurance professional as an Erie Insurance agent can give you more information and make sure you have the right coverage.

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