Message Maria continues fight against distracted driving

9:16 PM
Message Maria continues fight against distracted driving -
Maria's Message thousands

Since 2014, Columbus, Ohio, television sports anchor Dom Tiberi encouraged young drivers stop distracted driving. The message is personal for Dom, who lost her daughter, Maria, in 2013 distracted driving accident.

Dom, which also prompted the Ohio state legislators to declare September as Distracted Driving Month, continues to touch hearts and change lives. Just one person affected by its message was a student in high school Benjamin Kansas. See in the video below how the teenager takes action against distracted driving after Dom visited his school.

Erie Insurance is proud to continue its support of Maria's Message being the official sponsor of Dom visits to more than 25 high schools this spring and fall. Recently ERIE accompanied Dom at an Ohio high school.

Pictured above (left to right): Rob Smith, director ERIE District Sales; Dom Tiberi; and Jeff Dennis Erie insurance agents and Pat Nelson Dennis & Nelson Insurance Group in Zanesville, Ohio.

Learn more about the message of Maria and how you can participate in the website of the Foundation Maria Tiberi.

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