Shop online safely This Cyber ​​Monday

10:41 PM
Shop online safely This Cyber ​​Monday -
Dad online shopping with kid

Many of us shop online because it is quick and convenient. But is it safe?

The answer is often no. This is because shopping online for deals, the virtual crooks can be simultaneously shopping for your identity.

tips for any device

Whether using a traditional computer, tablet or mobile device, these tips will help you shop online securely.

  • Beware of misspellings site you intend to visit and be wary about shopping on sites that end with something else. . com
  • Remember that any page that allows you to enter credit card information should begin with https :. // And include a closed padlock icon
  • Use credit rather than debit cards when shopping online. debit card information is easier to fly, and it takes longer to recover stolen funds.
  • Refrain from making purchases via a Wi-Fi connection open connections can give hackers direct access to your personal information.
  • If a site requires you to log in, choose a password that does not in any way relate to your personal information.
  • Make sure that the integrated firewall are enabled and any security software you have is up to date.

Smartphone smarts

research shows that smartphone users are twice as likely as other cell owners of having someone invade privacy after accessing their phone. And that's especially scary news for the 80 percent of smartphone users who use their phones to shop online because they are exposing their financial information.

Protect your smartphone by following these tips.

  • specific applications download store before shopping online. Apps tend to offer more security than websites.
  • When installing the application from a retailer (or any application for that matter), take the time to read the fine print and consider the application requires personal information. Not comfortable sharing so much? Then seriously review the install.
  • Install and regularly update-all security software that is made specifically for your smartphone.
  • Look into programs that store information on your smartphone to your computer at home. Many of these programs will also erase the information stored on your phone in case of loss or theft. While the iPhone has built-in functionality that deletes the information after 10 failed log-on attempts, Android users should check out other options.

Add personal protection

Sometimes even cyber buyers more cautious are prey to identity theft and ends up costing victims a lot of time and money. That is why it is worthwhile to add ERIE identity recovery coverage for your home insurance policy. Available for a low annual fee, identity recovery coverage reimburses you for expenses related to theft and more. For more information and a quote, contact your ERIE Agent .

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