A new study reveals that today's furniture is much more flammable

6:25 PM
A new study reveals that today's furniture is much more flammable -
flammable furniture

You probably know that Christmas tree withered at risk of fire. But what about new furniture? Or even your newly built house?

Rossen Reports conducted an experiment to Underwriters Laboratories (UL) in Chicago, Illinois, where they compared two pieces of burning time: a modern plant and another from 1970 to 1980. UL found that the increased use of synthetic materials in new furniture and even in-building greatly increased flammability of materials. This spells bad news if you try to escape a fire: So you had about 17 minutes to escape a house fire 40 years ago, today you only have three or four.

Learn more about the experience by reading the article source today. You can help protect your home and knowing how to prevent fires and with the assurance of the right owners. (A Erie insurance agent can help you find the right coverage at the right price.)

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