Auto theft: the hottest holidays and the hottest cars

2:09 PM
Auto theft: the hottest holidays and the hottest cars -

Enjoy your New Year celebrations, AOS Eve, but you may want to keep your mind about you on New Year Day, OSA. According to the National Insurance Bureau of Crime (NICB), in 09 New Year Day, AOS was the highest day for auto theft. In 09, following holidays were classified by the volume of flights

  • New Day Year, Aos 2760
  • Halloween 2325
  • Independence Day 2207
  • Memorial day 2207
  • day President AOS 2204
  • Labor day 2202
  • New Year, Aos Eve 2189
  • day Valentine AOS 200
  • Christmas eve 1,851
  • Thanksgiving 1620
  • Christmas day 1336

want to know which car models thieves favored in 09? Visit the NICB report on the AOS Hot Wheels report. Select your location from a dropdown list to learn the 10 most frequently stolen cars in your state. You can also check the flight nation, AOS top 10 car hotspots.
To minimize the risk of car theft and increase the probability of recovery of the vehicle if the theft occurs, NCIB recommends a layered approach to protection. This layered approach combines common sense, a warning device, a locking device and a tracking device.

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