According to the Survey of higher satisfaction customer service with local agencies with the centers of calls

12:32 PM
According to the Survey of higher satisfaction customer service with local agencies with the centers of calls -

The JD Power and Associates 08 Insurance Customer Contact Study recently surveyed nearly 12,000 customers home and auto insurance to assess satisfaction. Survey participants interacted with their current insurer over the past 12 months, either through an agency, call center or a website. The results show that insurance customers who interact with a local agency tend to be more satisfied than customers who interact with the call center from their insurer. According to the study, "... the routine service interaction is the most important satisfaction of the drive member customer, representing 38 percent of overall customer satisfaction with their insurer."
Regardless of which use customers of the method, the fast resolution through a single channel is an important element of satisfaction:

"have a streamlined contact process is most ideal for customers, and especially those who interact with the call center of their insurers often have higher expectations than those who interact with an agency, "said Bowler. "For example, customer call centers are most satisfied when their issues are resolved the same day to contact their insurer, while agencies can take slightly longer before customers become less satisfied. Similarly, customers expect an agent to retrieve their information in two minutes or less, while the representatives of call centers have only one minute before satisfaction drops significantly. "

the survey also reports that d a quarter of its client overall impression of their agent, agency staff or a representative of the call center is driven by their perception of the courtesy and friendliness of the service chain.

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