A powerful reminder: Making health last

11:43 AM
A powerful reminder: Making health last -

Heart and Stroke Association asks the question: What will be your last 10 years look like? It is a short but causing clip that reminds us that health choices we make today will determine the quality of our lives later.

If you fear that you might be on the way to the person on the right, it is never too late to make healthy changes. Here are some places to start. The New England Journal of Medicine recently published the results of a study on the Mediterranean diet. The study found that people at high risk of coronary artery disease may reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and death from the disease of 30% coronary artery based on a Mediterranean style of eating. Learn about more of a Mediterranean diet Mayo Clinic.
If you need more exercise, the CDC offers advice on how much physical activity you need, depending on your age. The CDC also advises to add physical activity to your life.

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