Meet the Class of 2013 - wired, hip ... and hopefully insured

3:23 PM
Meet the Class of 2013 - wired, hip ... and hopefully insured -

Each August since 1998, when millions of first-year students are preparing to embark on their college years, Beloit College has released the Beloit College Mindset List, which provides a look at the cultural environment that shaped the lives of these students. For those of us with a few years under the belts, the list may be surprising. For the class of 2013, "... Carter and Reagan are as distant to them as Truman and Eisenhower were to their parents. Tattoos, once thought" lower class "are, to them, quite chic . Everyone knows the news before the evening news comes on. "
for the freshmen this year, Martha Graham, Pan American Airways, Michael Landon, Dr. Seuss, Miles Davis, and Freddie Mercury have always been dead. Smoking has never been glorified, the books have always been available on an electronic screen, and wars have always unfolded on live television. We gave you a sample of data points, but the entire list makes for a fun read. You can also refer to 1998 for archived lists
Some things never change
While the cultural zeitgeist could change one thing never changes. Parents want to ensure that students are safe and secure while away at school. As your students go to school, it is important steps to take to ensure they are adequately covered by insurance and make sure they understand the coverage and benefits available to them. If your student will be living away from home, you must make sure they have emergency phone numbers and know how to make a claim for loss or accident. Some of the insurance coverage issues you need to consider include:
Health Insurance - Does your student will be covered by your policy, or will you need to hold the cover? Many family policies will cover full-time students, but you need to check how the insurance company defines full-time. Also check the benefits of your plan, coverage area, and coverage requirements. If your student is an athlete, check the limits of coverage - you may need to arrange for additional coverage
Auto insurance -. Does your student have a full-time car in their college? If so, they may need their own policy. Otherwise, you might be able to save money on your policy if they use your car intermittently. Ask if any "good student" or credit "of the safety pilot" are available for your student -. Availability may depend on the state and the insurance company
property - Theft is the most common crime on campus college. If your student will live in a dormitory, personal property can be covered by your current homeowner's policy, but if they live in an apartment, they may need rental insurance. Do not assume that the college or the owner will have a cover that encompass possession of your child in case of fire, theft or loss - check the policy of your landlord to know the extent of your coverage - you may need additional insurance if your student has an expensive electronic equipment.
Of course, these are just the basics. There are other issues such as identity theft, credit cards, life insurance, and more. Remember, many insurance issues and are governed by specific state laws in the state. Often alerts offers consumers assurance offices of the state so check with the website of your state
Here are some other resources to help you plan the insurance needs of your students :.
College Insurance Needs - published in 08 by the Massachusetts Insurance Division
Parents: Know your student before your insurance policy goes to school - a 09 Consumer alert the Kansas Insurance Department
College-Bound? Keep an eye on your GPA and your Personal Possessions - advice and insurance safety tips from the Insurance Information Institute
What are the needs of your student know about identity theft - a consumer alert to the national Association of insurance cOMMISSIONERS
Heading Off to college with an empty wallet? - Tips for managing money immediately to the school of the Insurance Information Institute
College athletes often underinsured
College Health and Safety Tips
Campus Safety Tips

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