The rains bring a reprieve, but it is always good preparation for wildfires

10:54 AM
The rains bring a reprieve, but it is always good preparation for wildfires -

Have you heard a loud whistle when the rains started this weekend? If so, it was probably a collective sigh of relief by fire marshals and emergency workers throughout New England. We had a few bad weeks of drought. With any luck, it's over, but time will tell. We were at increased risk of fire because there is a high level of dry debris felled tree in the storm Halloween monster and some high wind events during the winter.
Forest fires are fires that start outside of developed areas. Also known as bush fires, grass fires, wildfires and the sworn enemy of Smokey Bear, forest fires, uncontrolled forest fires have made headlines in recent years because they devastate increasingly large parts of the United States. Forest fires have long been a huge problem for the western states, but widespread drought conditions in recent years have made a real danger on the east coast as well. Many were surprised New England by the smell of smoke and haze in the air from huge fires in Quebec last May. This season began worrying with the recent spate of high fire down the East Coast.
A wildfire differs from other fires by its extensive size, the speed at which it can spread from its original source, its potential to change unexpected direction, and ability to jump gaps such as roads, rivers and firewall. The main cause of forest fires in the United States is lightning, although many forest fires are attributed to human sources such as arson, discarded cigarettes, sparks from equipment lines and arcs Power. Prolonged drought significantly increases the risk of forest fires, as undergrowth becomes dry tinder. Last winter saw record amounts of light snow in New England, leading to lots of dry vegetation than usual and a greater risk of fire accompanying. Human development can also add risk factors, as has been a problem in the fires in Texas last spring, centered around the city fast growing Austin.
While forest fires are unpredictable by nature, you can take steps to minimize risk and possible damage fire. First, be aware of the current risk factors. You are probably already familiar with severe weather warnings from NOAA, but did you know they also have fire watches and warnings? Keep this card risk of fire and to check bookmarked now and then to assess the risk in your community. The objective of a protection plan against fires is effective to keep the fire from coming dangerously close to any structure on the property. Any structure or planting that is too close to your home or business can act as a wick, drawing fire to the buildings
Follow these simple steps to reduce possible damage
Roofs .. Choose a class a fire rated roof covering for you and keep the roof and gutters free of debris
and attic vents :. Eaves and vents can serve as points of entry embers windfall. Cover yours with metal mesh screen 1/8 inches
Annexes :. Awnings, decks and porches can act as a wick providing fire to the building. Consider taking down awnings and clearing all decks or patios if the fire risk is currently at alert level or fires have been reported in your area
Windows :. Radiant heat from a wildfire can break one -pane windows; instead, choose windows with double glazed tempered glass for added protection. Be sure to close all windows before evacuating a fire or in the fire alarm zones, keep them closed
Plantations :. Be extremely careful with landscaping within 15 feet of your home or business. Avoid plants that produce ground litter from the bark, leaves or seeds that Slough off and those with a very low moisture content or small branches and needles that can easily ignite. Regularly prune all the undergrowth and consider using rock or gravel mulch, especially by your building
Dependencies :. storage buildings, bins, pergolas, playground equipment, boats, RVs, and other fuel elements can allow light to reach the building. Where possible, move these at least 30 feet from your home or business. And, while it should go without saying, be sure the propane tanks are located less than 30 feet away from any structure.

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