The deadliest US roads

9:29 PM
The deadliest US roads -

Fox News has released its top ten list Deadliest stretches of road in America. To compile this list, they analyzed five years of error reports to determine which roads had the highest number of fatal accidents. For those of us in New England, the good news is that none of these routes can be found here. California has four routes on the list; Florida and Arizona have both two roads on the list; and Texas and Nevada both have. See a comparison table of all auto States death and mortality.
But the pilots of New England should not relax. Nearly 60% of all road deaths occur on rural roads, and two states of New England appear on a 05 report of the States with the highest percentage of deaths on rural roads:

  • Maine (92%)
  • North Dakota (0%)
  • South Dakota (89%)
  • Iowa (88%)
  • Vermont (88%)
  • Montana (86%)
  • Wyoming (84%)
  • South Carolina (83%)
  • Mississippi (82 %)
  • Arkansas (81%)
  • West Virginia (80%)
  • Minnesota (72%)
  • Wisconsin (68%)

If you want to check the safety of the roads in your neighborhood or on your commute route, it is an excellent tool developed by University of Minnesota researchers that allows you to do just that. It combines the Fatality Analysis Reporting System of information with Google Maps to provide a visual representation of road safety across the US You can enter an address and see the roads that have the highest number of fatal traffic accidents in a specified area, or you can display the data for your state.
most dangerous road in the world
as a traitor that some US roads can be, they pale in comparison to Death Road Bolivia, a mountainous stretch 60-70 km between la Paz and Coroico, which is often cited as the most dangerous road in the world. This is the subject of numerous television reports - watch a clip of 6 minutes:

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