A scammer you should listen

12:44 PM
A scammer you should listen -

Passwords for more than 6 million LinkedIn accounts were disclosed by pirates last week, and just after it was announced there was a leak of more than 1.5 million eHarmony user passwords. strong security experts councils: Change your passwords now
Here's the scoop :. You should change your passwords for these accounts, and if these passwords were used on all other accounts, you need to change them, too. Run, do not walk, to change passwords if one of these accounts are linked to your financial data.
Creation and management of passwords is a nuisance for many, but it is one of the first defenses against the prevention of identity theft and illegal access to your important accounts. It is something that you should take seriously
Here are some safety tips :.

  • Ideally, you should use separate passwords for each account. At the very least, create and save unique passwords, distinct and strong for your banking and email accounts, and other accounts that have sensitive financial information. Do not reuse passwords on other sites. This way, you would limit damage and exposure if one account is compromised.
  • Take time to learn and create strong passwords. Microsoft Security Center provides simple tips on creating strong passwords and a password checker Secure, a tool you can use to test the strength of a password.
  • Make it a common practice to change passwords regularly, especially for large accounts. At a minimum, do it twice a year in the summer time when you change your fire alarm batteries.
  • Avoid storing online credit card information. Enter each time when making a purchase. the comfort of today could be the headache tomorrow.
  • Never enter a password in an email or a website you clicked on an email. Phishing can be very convincing. Instead, if you receive a notice from a bank or other account, go to the site directly from your browser and log in there.
  • Consider a password management service. Although we can not make a recommendation for a specific service, some more popular frequently quoted on tech forums include LastPass, KeePass and 1Password. They have different features and benefits, and help solve the problem of memory and storage of passwords. While there are free versions of password management, it seems important enough to consider paying annual service fee.

See other messages on theft and scams ID.

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