To go on holiday? 5 steps to secure your home while you are away!

10:05 AM
To go on holiday? 5 steps to secure your home while you are away! -

Summer vacation is always fun, but there are some steps that you should take to ensure that your home is protected.

1. Secure your property. Check to be sure all doors and windows are locked. Bring valuables and furniture outside that could be damaged in a storm. If you have an alarm system, motion detectors, or outdoor lighting, make sure they are set for when you are away.

2. Avoid giving signals that you are away. Try to make things normally as they would if you were at home. Cancel mail and newspapers so they do not accumulate. Use timers to turn on lights at night. Arrange to have the grass mowed.

3. Be careful with sharing on social networks. Unless your list of friends is limited strictly to the family and a few trusted friends, do not announce your travel plans on Facebook, Twitter or other social media. Be careful to check with FourSquare or other services that give your remote location. Be careful about viewing and sharing real-time updates and photos as the telegraph information that your house is empty.

4. Ask a neighbor or relative to keep an eye on your property while you are away. Leave contact information and a key for emergencies. A trusted neighbor could even leave a garbage bag in front of your house on the day of the trash or occasionally park in your driveway.

5. Check your home and auto insurance before going away to ensure that your coverage is current and that you have adequate coverage. Knowing what policies you have and what insurers. Make sure you bring the phone number of your insurance agent if you need right away

Here are some other good advice of experts :.
Tips for securing your home while on vacation
do not let your vulnerable House Break-in, floods during the holidays

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