More laws to restrict cell phone use and texting while driving his introduction

7:27 PM
More laws to restrict cell phone use and texting while driving his introduction -

According to a recent report USA Today , laws increasingly to limit the use of cell phones and texting while driving are being introduced. The report "More than 250 bills prohibiting or restricting the use of cell phones while driving are underway in 42 state legislatures despite disagreement on the risks of cell phones pose and efficiency the application.
the number is up about 0 bills in just 18 states there are 10 months, according to an analysis by the insurance Institute for Highway safety, a research group security funded by insurers Four states -. Georgia, Idaho, North Carolina and Texas - are considering to ban all types of cell phone use while driving, including hands-free devices "

in an accompanying article, the document compiled a table listing sampling. . waiting legilation that would restrict texting or cell phones
These laws are controversial - a lot of people, especially young drivers - are opposed to any restriction. While police often support certain restrictions, they disturb the application. Many favor a broader policy to all issues "distracted" and many others suggest that the prohibitions should focus on novice drivers or public transport drivers. But others are in favor of total restrictions. Part of the legislative activity was driven by (NSC) the call of the Security Council for a national ban on the use of cell phones while driving. This recommendation is based on a study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis that found that cell phone use while driving contributes to 6 percent of crashes, which equates to 636,000 crashes, 330,000 injuries, 12,000 serious injuries and 2,0 deaths each year. NSC also cited several other safety studies in their recommendation.
cell phone and texting laws of your state
The Association of Governors Highway Safety maintains a list of the laws of the State of conduct related to cell phone use and texting a graph . The table has been updated in February this year, it is quite common
A summary :.

  • CA, CT, DC, NJ, NY and WA phones outright ban for all drivers; several other states allow the prohibition by the court or have provisions limiting the use of handheld computers. Some states treat cell phone use as a larger problem of distracted driving.
  • No state bans completely all types of mobile phone use (handheld and hands-free), but many prohibit cell phone use by certain segments of the population, such as drivers beginners or school bus drivers.
  • 8 states AK, AR, CA, CT, lA, MN, NJ and WA ban text messaging
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