Please steal me when the social networking rotates risky

8:16 PM
Please steal me when the social networking rotates risky -

As social networking becomes more and more entrenched in people's lives, many unwary users, naive or new may be inadvertently increasing their risk of becoming a victim of crime.
a site called graphically illustrates this point by highlighting recent tweets in which Twitter users say disciples where they can be found. The site is simply the aggregation of public information that is available to everyone - you, me ... and scammers. As noted by the founder website

"The danger is publicly told people where you are. Indeed, he left a place you're definitely not ... home. So here we are; on one end we leave the lights on when we go on holiday, and on the other, we say that everyone on the Internet, we are not at home. "

The aim of the site is to raise awareness of the potential dangers location sharing to make people think about how they use various social tools such as Twitter, Foursquare, Brightkite ., Google Buzz and Facebook
last June, we posted careful what you tweet - crooks could use social networks, too, about the highly publicized case of an active social networker who tweeted his trip to come home to find that his house had been broken into while he was away. while the dangers of the Internet can sometimes be overly dramatized in the media, awareness of how social media tools are used is laudable goal. It is a new era of increased transparency and we all need to learn to step carefully.

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