Goverment Shutdown United States Guide and New England

7:39 PM
Goverment Shutdown United States Guide and New England -

closed-sign None of us can guess how long the federal government's closure will last, but far any type of resolution does not appear imminent. We thought we offer resources to help you learn that federal services are affected, and what the impact is on the New England

Washington Post -. What's open, what is closed

CNN - What's open, what is closed

Time: All you need to know about a government shutdown

Washington post: government shutdown: A consumer guide

50 cities with federal and state workers by State numbers

New England
While most people are aware that federal services may be affected, such as frogs head leaves for fall foliage drives and day trips this weekend, be aware that some popular destinations are closed. Some of these include Acadia National Park in Maine, the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire, Cape Cod National Seashore, the USS Constitution and the JFK Library. Hunters and fishermen in Vermont are federal lands are closed too. But if you are wondering about some major upcoming football games, football games Air Force, Navy and Army Boston College will be played Saturday after having received official approval from the secretary of defense, according to ESPN.

Here are some initial shutdown affects reported in the states. Most states say the impact will snowball over time - which first affects federal workers, but later, potentially impacting companies with federal contracts

Massachusetts - .. thousands of workers in mass leave Face

New Hampshire - How federal closure affects services in New Hampshire

Connecticut - federal workers furloughed As shutdown Start

Rhode Island - shutdown could offer key long term RI

Vermont - government shutdown hits Vermont residents, programs

Maine - the effects of the judgment varies in Maine

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