WreckCheck - Mobile App Handy for car accidents eliminates confusion about what to do

6:50 PM
WreckCheck - Mobile App Handy for car accidents eliminates confusion about what to do -

If you are one of the 5 million people who have the misfortune to be involved in an accident car during the next year, you can not be sure what steps to take to protect yourself. Car accidents are rare events that most people do not have high awareness of the spirit of what information needs to be exchanged. In addition, stress, confusion and excitement of the event can be a recipe for problems. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has conducted a survey to find out if consumers know what to do, and they learned most people do not. There were some misconceptions and associated risks:

  • Nearly 40% of respondents felt they should share their driver's license, some allow the other driver to photograph their licenses. The risk is that many retailers accept information from driver's license as a common way to verify identity by phone.
  • 25% of consumers share their home addresses. The risk: This information gives potential identity thieves the physical location of the mail or garbage, often a desirable place for more financial information; It also means potential criminals know where you live, putting your personal safety at risk.
  • Nearly 30% of drivers think they are required to share their personal phone numbers. It's not necessary.
  • Almost 20% believe that the only reason to call the police after an accident if someone is injured. However, filing a police report can help facilitate the process of insurance claim

Car accidents :. There's an app for that
NAIC offers a mobile application that takes WreckCheck! guesswork out an exchange of post-accident information. When you download the application, enter your vehicle information and information about your agent and insurer. If you are in an accident, start the application, which will guide you through a step by step process to create an accident report. It also provides tips for staying calm, safe and smart on the road, and it's easy to take photos and document the necessary information to file an insurance claim. In addition, the application allows you to e-mail you an accident report filled directly, as well as your insurance agents.
The application is free and available to smartphone users both iPhone® and Android®.

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