Identity theft is on the students return and colleges are at high risk

9:04 PM
Identity theft is on the students return and colleges are at high risk -

US identity fraud is at record levels, and recent reports indicate that students are particularly at risk for identity theft, in part because it often takes them twice as long to learn that they have been scammed. Studies show that most fraud is beginning to happen with a week from which the data is stolen. But because college kids are less likely to follow the banking and credit card on a regular basis and in a timely manner, fraud often goes undetected more

Additional risks that make them susceptible to students identity theft:.
So- called "friendly fraud" - fraud perpetrated by friends and family -. accounts for one in seven cases of fraud
College students are very active on social media sites, and can inadvertently share more sensitive information than they realize
to discourage. identity theft, experts offer the following tips:

  • Monitor your accounts regularly
  • Be careful about sharing credentials on social networking sites
  • Learn to recognize and be alert for phishing scams
  • Use strong passwords and change them frequently
  • Disconnecting your computer when you are not using
  • Keep your computer updated with the latest spyware and virus

for more resources on identity fraud,

see identity Site identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission and e-scams & warnings the FBI page. insurance against theft

you can consider the insurance identity theft, but first be sure that you learn about what it does and does not cover before you buy - many people have misconceptions. Also, check to see how any existing coverage you have, as owners, could protect you. And do your homework before buying. Check the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Consumer Alert, which notes that, although policies are available, they do not protect you from becoming a victim of identity theft and does not cover direct monetary losses incurred as a result of a identity theft. Rather, they provide you for any costs that may be incurred in recovering your identity, such as hiring a lawyer, taking time from work and administrative costs such as the cost of telephone calls or postage.

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