Distracted walking is not a joke

7:38 PM
Distracted walking is not a joke -

OK, you've heard of distracted driving - but did you know that walking distracted could be a problem, too? Although it sounds funny, it is a real thing and not a joke. Just as it happens to drivers, pedestrians have less situational awareness, distracting and dangerous behavior when talking or texting on mobile phones.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission in the United States reported that 1,152 pedestrians were treated in emergency rooms after being injured while using a mobile phone or other electronic device in 2010 - and number had doubled from the previous year. The increase in pedestrian injury in parallel and exceeded distracted driving injuries.

Falling on a track

fall wharf

scary run-in with a bear

a little humor to make a serious point
walk distracted is a serious matter, but it prompted the fun-loving Improv Everywhere pranksters to launch an army of "see Eye people" to protect the many walkers distracted in New York - a strange way to make a serious point.

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