What kills us?

8:27 PM
What kills us? -

Aaron Carroll is a physician and researcher health policy. He produced a series of videos called Health Triage which answer many questions people have about medicine, health and health care. In his recent video, he talks about risk and mortality, saying

One thing that puzzles me about people is how they misunderstand completely the risk. Many of my friends panic about things that have no chance of killing them, but ignore the things that are. This can cause us to make irrational decisions, and sometimes irrational policy. What will really kill us? Watch and learn.

Learn more about where he got his statistics:

Regardless of the odds, we never know what life has in store for us ... and that's where insurance comes to take reasonable precautions to reduce your risk of injury. or death and have protection in place to minimize the financial impact of any problems that arise. If you have dependents who rely on your income, make sure you have adequate life insurance in place.

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