Scams common post-disaster

3:46 PM
Scams common post-disaster -

After a disaster, there is usually a second wave of problems that can occur in the form of what became known as the fraud case disaster. People who want to contribute to the recovery are scammed by fake organizations, fake emails and fraudulent websites. And to add insult to injury, people who have suffered home and property of devastating losses are often targeted by corrupt contractors, fly-by-night home repair scam artists and identity thieves. That's not all: in the months after a disaster, thousands of cars damaged by the floods make their way to the market dupe unwary consumers. (See our previous post: Consumer alert:. Do not buy a car damaged by floods)
Below, we've included an excerpt from the blog of our EAP that offers helpful links on the post-disaster charity common and home repair scams. (For more resources, see their Hurricane Sandy Recovery Toolkit.
Unfortunately there is no shortage of opportunists dishonest ready to enjoy the generous nature of people. Be especially careful of solicitations by telephone, e-mail or social networking sites the FTC warns consumers. charity and Home repair scams can occur after a disaster See FTC List charity for advice on how to avoid scams You can also see more of a body Charities in advance by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance ...
disaster recovery scams - the FTC talks about common scams disaster recovery
After a disaster :. repair your home - If your home was damaged by a natural disaster, you can find a reputable contractor to help with the repair and restoration. Inevitably, the demand for qualified contractors after a disaster usually exceeds supply. Enter the rip-off artist home repair, which can overload, perform shoddy work or leaving town without finishing your work. This guide to the Federal Trade Commission of the Federal Emergency Management Agency offers tips for consumers who may be faced with major repairs after a disaster
Fraud disaster -. The Coalition against Insurance Fraud discuss post-disaster fraud experts and entrepreneurs
Report. fraud: FTC works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop and avoid. To file a complaint or get free information on consumer issues, visit or call toll free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); ATS :. 1-866-653-4261

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