Polar Vortex weather quirks and how to stay safe

2:33 PM
Polar Vortex weather quirks and how to stay safe -

How is the cold? Mashable says that "nature is always surpassing in ways we never imagined," and they prove it with a fascinating and strange events related to extreme cold gallery. It is therefore ordered Cold Outside It ...


Workers Comp Insider published some interesting tips for surviving the polar vortex and stay out of "stuff silly people "list. Learn from the mistakes of others - and to check their list of practical tools to stay safe in frigid weather. Extreme weather is nothing to fool around with - he can throw the unwary in situations of life-threatening within minutes "polar vortex" blamed for at least 21 deaths. In addition, when temperatures fall, there is always a wave of house fires related to the use of heating appliances - some with tragic results. The Massachusetts Department of Fire Services has a great tip sheet on fire safety heating space.

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